I'll recap, first. From the age of 3, our son, would hurt us. Get angry, laugh... Didn't matter.
Doctor #1, said he was a "spirited child". He'd grow out of it.
Doctor #2, said that she didn't think we should worry, that it was "environmental"
That PCIT (parent child interaction therapy) would fix the issue. After a while, they realized that wasn't the case, as we interacted fine.
Soon, theythey "released" us... Even though things weren't better... They have a "short term" program.
By now, he's 6. Nothings getting better... He's stronger. He hits, kicks, throws things...
New doctor, nothing. Doctors 3, 4 and 5, were useless.
Dr 7, finally prescribed him an anxiety medication, Prozac. However, NEVER RAISED it above the starting dose. For several years... Kept him there. Even thoughthough, he was a BIG kid... He wouldn't increase it.
By now, he's 11 and 12...hes choking me, to the point I nearly pass out. I have more bruises than body parts. I've gotten bloody noses n lips, thought about calling the police, and even considered inpatient mental health...
But, I knew it wasn't the answer.
Then, I talked to a friend. Dr 8. She Understood. She was empathetic. Understanding. She knew the previous Doc was incorrect in his medical treatment...
So, she agreed to see and treat our son. Free. Our ins didn't cover her, and we couldn't afford her, otherwise. But she's a dear friend, so she was willing to help. The first thing she did, was prescribed a mood stabilizer. The VERY FIRST DAY HE TOOK IT, WE KNEW....
This medication was going to save our family. Our marriage. Our lives.
And, it did. We went to Dr 7s office, and immediately asked to switch prescribes.
This new doctor, we explained the frustration with doctor 7. And the revelation of Dr 8.
Dr 9, agreed that the new medication was a good idea. She removed the Prozac, started him on Zoloft, and increased the mood med (Risperidone)
By now, it had been about 5 months of this medicine. We went from getting attacked 10 to 15x PER Day. Bad, beat up, choked, hit, kicked etc... Beat up.
To... Nothing. Smiles, normal tern frustration, but NO Attacks.
It was... Revelation.
My husbands blood pressure dropped, A LOT... We stopped arguing (our arguments were a result of our stress, we later learned)
And began repairing our lives. Our marriage.
Now, a year later, his Zoloft is at a good dose for him. The Risperidone is gone. We haven't been hit, choked, attacked... FOR OVER A Year.
Our marriage is the best it's been in Years.
Our life has resurfaced (I don't believe we fell out of love. Our fear, our hurt, our stress, simply covered things over do much, it got trampled...)
And now... Our son is a teenage boy... Who is so sweet, so kind... So loving.
The right doctor, can change a life.
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