Facebook reminds of of posts we made, years before.
Pictures we've posted
How they've aged, and changed.
I've seen my son grow from a rambunctious kid, into a sweet hearted, amazing teen.
His growth this past year, has been tremendous....
I'm so proud of my boys
This is his "I'm so cool
Look. Lol.
I took a video, but he's never quite sure what pose to use.

Can't get my formatting right today. Thx blogger. Lol
Anyway, he had a good day. Neighborhood moms gifted us a cake and ice cream, which we gave out to kids in the complex. I'm having another surprise setup for him, for his party at his grandma's... But I'm not going to spoil the surprise. He's a teen. I don'tdon't put it past him to read my blog lol!!!
Thanks for hanging in there, my loved readers...
Y'all rock. ♥️♥️♥️
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