Rent a Textbook from Campus Book Rentals | Sandling All Day

Friday, January 4, 2013

Rent a Textbook from Campus Book Rentals

We all know the cost of textbooks now-a-days... the rising costs of everything...  well here's something I've found, for those in college, those who have kids in college, those about to go to college, and even those who are about to LEAVE college...yes, that's right (I'll get to that in a minute)

The cost of a textbook.  A single textbook, can be EXTREMLY high... Factor in SEVERAL classes, and you're looking at easily spending over 1,000 a year.  There is an alternative now, that was not available back in the day.  Renting Textbooks.

Rent vs Buy
  • You can save 40-90% off the prices you'd pay in the bookstore.
  • Free shipping both ways (no paying high gas prices/bus or cab fare to and from the bookstore)
  • You can highlight in the textbooks, just like they were your own!
  • Flexible renting periods!
Here's an extra bonus why you need to check out CampusBookRentals... 

They donate to Operation Smile with EACH textbook rented. 
Operation smile is an organization that preforms life changing cleft lip surgeries on children who's families could not otherwise afford it.  The long term improvement in the quality of life for these children is incomprehensible. 

And for those leaving college... what do you do with your old textbooks?  You could sell them once, and get xx.xx for them, or you can:

RENTBACK!!! Yes, that's right..once you're done, CampusBookRentals will rent your book to another student (paying you) and another (paying you) AND ANOTHER!!! (paying you still!!)
for those who aren't good at math, that's xx.xx + xx.xx + xx.xx and so on...
So you want to know how it works?  Here's a video!!!

Want to know more about Rentback?

You can search for books by isbn, author, title or keyword.   Are you a Law student in need of a specific book? I looked up "Law" (easy enough!) and found 10 pages of books.   Everything from "The Law" to "Criminal Law" and lots in between. 
Need " Law, Business & Society"? of course you do. It's just $74.05.
A quick google search told me that to buy this book new, it's $158.99 and used it's still $133.99.   Even an eTextbook is $150! 
Think about the money you could save. 

Why Choose CampusBookRentals you ask? 
  1. They have a top notch support staff. They hire problem solvers, have live help and give quick responses. They've been around since the beginning. They PIONEERED textbook rentals, and you can be confident they know what they're doing! 
  2. You'll save money. You'll pay less than half price to rent textbooks, and if you decide you want to keep it, instead of renting it, just pay the difference, and it's yours. It really is risk free. 
  3. They have a 30 day risk free guarantee. Return it for ANY reason within 30 days for a FULL refund. Who offers that?? 
  4. Need more reasons? How about TONS of perks!! 
Monthly giveaways 
textbook SCHOLARSHIPS (yes, you read that right!)
shirts and other prizes! 
Registration is free, and you don't have to be a paying customer to win!! 

Now for me, their support of Operation Smile would be enough to win me over... 
Want to know more? Check them out!!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I was paid to write a post about this product or service.  Please see full FTC disclosure at the bottom of every post/page.


  1. My daughter attends community college and bought books for her first semester. They were quite expensive. I'll have to let her know of this site so she can rent books and hopefully same some moolah.


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